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Disadvantages of learning from YouTube that Children face-Junior Pencil And Chai


There are innumerable people who watch YouTube on a regular basis but learning from YouTube, is it really a good practice? Learning from YouTube is so in trend and popular, even at the starting of the growth of education.

Every material related to study and art is available on YouTube, whether it’s preschool or higher education. And there are numerous tutorials on how to do or perform various things and it leads to technology-enhanced learning.

Yes, YouTube provides many benefits to its users which is irrespective of gender and age group or any other sort of discrimination.

When it comes to learning from YouTube there are a few things that you should take care of as there are a few disadvantages when students are learning from YouTube all the art-related aspects or any other thing.

Disadvantages of learning from YouTube that Children face:

  • YouTube is the source that promotes individualism as YouTube lacks face-to-face interaction if communication with the other person from whom the student is learning.

And hence, because of this students are left with no other option and they lack a few skills such as teamwork and solve problems communally

  • Not all the videos posted on YouTube is reliable to learn the art and its related aspects, as some videos are just uploaded for the sake of business. And also, all the information that is in the video is not necessary that is correct information.
  • Not all the students would be able to afford that much cellular data on a regular basis which is being demanded by YouTube and hence in learning art, this would be a huge barrier for students.
  • There is no way to know where to start and where to end. This means there is no perfect route for the children. The child would just open a video of their choice and would give it a start but not become successful in their attempt.

Being a beginner, they should be having proper knowledge of the course of what they are trying to learn, but in YouTube, they are not even taught the basics so that the reason they lack a proper foundation of the subject, which is the most needed thing when you are starting or learning something new.

So, for clearing all your basics and to understand well, YouTube would not serve as the right option.

  • There are innumerable videos on YouTube, anyone can start a YouTube channel. You don’t know who is a professional and who is not. There are a lot many amateur Youtubers who would be having art channels.

But they would be incompetent or inept for that art activity as they would not be having perfect knowledge related to the subject and would not know how to start.

They would just be making videos for fun and not for the real purpose of spreading knowledge to the people.

  • YouTube doesn’t increase your creativity, imaginative skills as your child would just turn into a photocopier machine as the child won’t be able to create anything on his own with his imagination and would just copy the contents shown in the video.

There is no proper guidance for the children as to how they could increase their skills or abilities to draw or paint something of their own and not photocopied from a particular video.

  • There is a lot of confusion in a child’s mind as when you search a particular thing on YouTube, you get a lot many suggestions, so to go ahead with which one is a major issue when a child is learning from YouTube.

The process is way too time-consuming of finding out the right video and because of this, the spark and enthusiasm that is present within the child keep on decreasing.

  • The most important thing a child needs when pursuing or learning something is a guiding hand which cannot be provided when learning from YouTube. The importance of Guru (Teacher) cannot be replaced by a YouTube video.

A professional teacher would enhance the skills and talent present in the child and work on the child’s interest to make the child a better artist.

YouTube is not a bad platform but learning from YouTube definitely has drawbacks that could affect your child’s future and skills.

But don’t you worry, Junior Pencil and Chai brings to you all the best courses and professional teachers who would enhance the skills of the child and make the child more creative as there would always be a guiding hand helping the child!

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